Many patients struggle with blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, gut infections, autoimmune conditions – all directly impacted by their nutritional choices. Certain conditions require changes to nutrition and lifestyle to work with supplementation. We offer additional dietary training for patients needing treatment specific diets (low FODMAP, low carb, etc.). Below is the consult schedule (by phone, Skype or in-office):
Nutrition Initial Consult (45 min): Detailed patient history (nutrition/meals and lifestyle obstacles to healthy eating) are discussed. Small goals are agreed upon, and accountability strategies are discussed.
Nutrition Consult 2 (30 min – 1 week later): Review previous goals and patient food intake. New small goals are discussed based on what worked – or what didn’t. If done properly, even within one week, small goals can result in more energy, improved mood, better sleep quality, and less inflammatory pain.
Nutrition Consult 3 (30 min – 1 week later): Previous goals are reviewed, adjusted and/or additional future nutritional goals may be discussed for the next month depending on patient readiness. This may be the most important consult to support motivation and behavioral change.
Nutrition Consult 4 (30 min – 3-4 weeks later): Patient’s previous goals are reviewed, revised and/or new goals are agreed upon. By this time, the patient sees the connection between food and health, new habits have been made, different foods have been successfully integrated into the supplement program showing significant health markers change.
Your Licensed Dietician:
Jeannie Gorman, MS, CCN, LDN has been in clinical practice for almost 10 years. She holds an accredited Master’s Degree, Human Nutrition-Functional Medicine, and is a board-certified Clinical Nutritionist and Licensed Dietitian. As a specialist in clinical nutrition for specific health conditions, bloodwork review, and supplementation, she has worked successfully with many hundreds of patients to design customized food plans. She understands change can be difficult and coaches her patients through the obstacles while educating them, resulting in a smooth transition from a patient’s starting point to their goal – always with healthy food habits in mind.
If you have any question about dietary consultations or would like to schedule a consultation, contact us at (773)786-2722 or [email protected]